Monday, August 25, 2008
Hello all my old babies!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Summer Activities
Hope you all are having a fantastic summer!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
End of the Year
Ms. Herrera :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Poetry Cafe
Don't forget to bring juice and cookies in!
Comment to let me know if you will bring enough to share with the class!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
5th Grade Formal
Friday, April 25, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
State Report Help! (excellent site)
Remember that your fact pages along with their captions are due on Monday! The entire project is due on Tuesday!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
End of the Year Events and Deadlines
As the end of the school year draws near, here are a few important dates to keep in mind:
April 8th- 20 completed notecards are due on State Project
April 14th- Last day to pay for Islands of Adventure ($55 cash)
April 23rd- Picture Day (Smile and dress cute and colorful)
April 25th- Last day to purchase 5th grade CD's ($10 cash)
April 28th- April Book Log check (MUST HAVE READ 25 BOOKS BY THIS DATE)
May 1st- Reading Celebration (completion of 25 books)
May 1st- Dance Tickets go ON SALE!
May 5th-Teacher Appreciation Week Begins!!
May 6th- Islands of Adventure field trip
May 8th- Visit to Oceanway Middle School!!! (You guys are growing up so fast!)
May 13th- Boy/Girl Assemblies
May 16th- 5th Grade Formal at First Coast High School 6p-9p (invitations will go home soon)
May 23rd- National Nerd and Geek Pride Day (dress up like Screech!)
June 4th- 5th Grade Farewell/Awards Ceremony
June 5th- Last day of school (noon dismissal)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
All students drew a state this week to do a research report on. Students were given a pink packet explaining what was to be included in their report, as well as how it would be graded. There are several due dates as we go through this process. Please visit this post and the comments frequently for more information.
March 25th- Pack of colored note cards due.
March 27th- Students given information about how to do notecards and bibliographies
March 27th- Students visit computer lab to gather research.
April 8th- 20 completed notecards are due!
April 15th- Bibliography draft due
April 18th- Rough draft of paper due (This includes introduction section through the closing paragraph)
April 21st- Fact pages due in class to be shown to Ms. Herrera (remember captions must be included!
April 22nd- Published reports, Art projects, everything due!
Dynomite Dioramas!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
National Chocolate Caramel Day!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Verb Test Thursday (verbs and their past tense) (irregular verbs) (verb be)
click on the bees! (all kinds of verb help) (subject-verb agreement)
Let me know how you do!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
MARIO DAY (Mar. 10)
How did you like Mario Day? Was it what you expected? Be sure to play some Mario this weekend. Your coupon is below!
Redeemable at any home or a friend’s house No Expiration Date
This coupon entitles Ms. Herrera’s student to one uninterrupted round on any “Mario” video game!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Practice Reading FCAT Scale
Level 5- 100%-95%
Level 4- 94%-85%
Level 3- 84%-75%
Level 2- 74%-65%
Level 1- 64% -0%
You guys did great on the practice tests! I am so proud of each of you. Keep up the good work and let's make this happen on the real test! Comment on this post and tell everyone what strategies work best for you! Be sure to explain them thoroughly!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Next Week's "Quirky" Holidays!
Friday- International "Ask A Question" Day! - Come up with some good ones! I'll tell you later in the week what we are doing for this special day!
National Name Tag Day
All students made a nametag and brought it in to share.
To celebrate the day, we wore our nametag proudly and were strangers only once to the people who did not know our name. Plus, Ms. Herrera through in a twist and made students be more creative. No pencils, markers, or crayons were allowed to be used to the names!
Ms. Herrera's Class
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
March Book Log Check and Response
As with each book log check, you have to turn in a response for a book that you have read that month! This month you have an option. You can either turn in a response in Response to Literature format or you can make a diorama.
I have included a few links about dioramas so you will know what they are and what they look like.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Next Week's "Holidays"
March 5- Learn What Your Name Means Day (This is the day to recognize the uniqueness of your own name. Does your name match who you are and what you like to do? Go on the Internet with a parent and find out the meaning of your name.) Tell us about it in class.
March 6- Nametag Day (We will do a creative project- There will be a prize!)
Author's Viewpoint and Author's Purpose help!
Go on this link and under where it says Free Presentations in PowerPoint format, click Author's Purpose. This will take you to a file that you can open and practice! Good Luck!
This site has practice quizez that you can take and see how awesome you are with these topics! (Try to print them off when they tell you the score and bring them in.)
Here are also some questions you should think about when you are reading to help with author's purpose and author's viewpoint.
1. What opinions or belief statements are evident in the article?
2. Why do you think the author has this particular opinion or point of view?
3. What background information about the author does the reader have that may help understand the writer’s point of view? (Point of reference)
4. Would another author have a different point of view depending on his/her background experiences?
5. What pictures does the author paint for a reader?
6. What evidence did the author include to support their opinions?
7. What facts were missing?
8. What words and phrases did the author use to present the information? (Students collect samples of the language an author uses to identify the context in which ideas are presented.)
9. Why did the author write this selection? Identifying the author’s purpose helps students recognize possible viewpoints, especially in persuasive writing.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Below you will find the FCAT testing schedule. Please make sure your child is in school and on time during the testing period. It would be greatly appreciated if all appointments and/or trips be postponed until after testing.
Tuesday, March 11th:
Math Session I - 80 minutes
Wednesday, March 12th:
Math Session II - 80 minutes
Thursday, March 13th:
Reading Session I - 60 minutes
Reading Session II - 60 minutes
Monday, March 17th:
Science Session I - 60 minutes
Tuesday, March 18th:
Science Session II - 60 minutes
Wednesday, March 19th:
NRT Reading - 80 minutes
NRT Math - 70 minutes
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Please make all appointments outside of school hours or at least after 2:45. This is a crucial time and your child needs to be here! Your child may miss something that was said in class that could be the key to the high scores on FCAT! We had over 25 absences in our classes just last month! I appreciate your help!
Ms. Herrera
Kobie's adventures!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
National Gum Drop Day!!!!
(pictures coming soon)
Red- Cinnamon
Green- Wintergreen
Mae Jemison Test on Tuesday
Make sure you are familiar with the answers to these questions...
What contributions to Science did Mae Jemison make?
What events happened in Mae's life that pushed her to be successful?
What are some of Mae's accomplishments and how did they mold her life?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Help! Control those conventions!
Check your spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and make sure it makes sense!!!!!!
Virtual Class Meetings
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Congratulations to our newly elected CLASS PRESIDENTS!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Valentine's List
Friday, February 1, 2008
Portfolio Club
Good luck to you all. I am anxious to see what you all come up with.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hip! Hip! Hooray!
FL Achieves
It will be the best one yet!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
A response is due this month for a book that has been read during the month of January. The response must be in Response to Literature format. No exceptions!
Bring this into class!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Homework for week of Jan. 22nd
Homonyms sheet (Mrs. Elmore's class only)
Home Reading Log (This should be stapled in your agenda)
Study for verbs/homonyms quiz. Quiz is tomorrow
Finish friendly letter draft (Be sure to spell your student's name correctly)
Write spelling words 2 times each in cursive.
Wednesday- Study Spelling words and Revise Friendly Letter
Spelling pg. 120
Check the blogspot for updates.
Finish any corrections to your friendly letter and be ready to publish tomorrow in class.
Complete 2 assignments on FL Achieves
Book Log check for January is Monday, January 28th. You must have one response in Response to Literature format completed and ready to turn in.
Address and decorate your envelope for your 4th grade buddy!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Vocab Test on Tuesday
weep- If you weep, you cry about a great sadness.
beseech- If you beseech someone, you beg them in an anxious way.
convenient- Something that is convenient is handy because it is easy to use or works well in a particular situation.
sympathize- If you sympathize with someone, you show that you inderstand their feelings about something.
hoax- A hoax occurs when someone creates a pretend situation and tries to make people believe that it is real.
respite- If you get respite from something you don't like, you get a short break from it.
just- If something is just, it is fair and right.
prodigious- Something that is prodigious is very large and impressive.
Check this out! You can study all by yourself!!!!!
Directions: Click on the link and when the page comes up, click on learn. Once you have practiced, then go back and click on test!!! Let me know how it goes!!!
Friendly Letter Activities and Games
Thursday, January 17, 2008
After -school skit practice
I will be staying after school on Tuesday to work with the participants of the skits for Parent Night. Students will come to my class after school and work on reading their lines and practicing on stage. All students should stay until 5:30 p.m. (Students who have tutoring on Tuesday will stay for tutoring and then participate in the practice.)
If you have questions, please contact me at of call 696-8758 ext. 167
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Want to play Inference Battleship?
Click here-->
This site is a MUST. Everything you wanted to know about inferring is right on this site. It is interactive and allows you to see how well you can infer.
Let me know how you do!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Friendly Letter Information
Elements of a friendly letter:
- Heading (Date and addess)
- Greeting (Dear ___________, )
- Body (the words of the letter- be sure each paragraph is on topic)
- Closing (Yours truly, Your friend, etc)
- Signature (Your name)
Friday, January 11, 2008
Verb Help (This one is a game.) (Online TEST)
Linking Verb Help!!!!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Response to Literature Format Guide
- Engaging beginning
- Title and author
- Summary including specific events from the story. (Be exact with characters names, the setting, the plot, etc. )
2nd Paragraph
- Favorite part of the text or least favorite part of the selection
- Why you did or did not like it
- Author's purpose
- The message that the book portrayed to you or the lesson that it taught you. You could also mention what it really made you think hard about.
3rd Paragraph
- Your connection to the story. (be sure to not use the words we have laid to rest in class)
- Tell why you connect that way. Be sure to tell what exactly you connect to in the book. Mention what happened, what the event was, etc.
- Give a recommendation. tell who (what audience) should read this book and why should they read it.
Important dates
If you click the link below, you will be connected to some of the important dates for your student concerning FCAT and other topics! I hope you find this helpful!
Any student that has at least 10 tests completed and a total average of 75% or higher will have lunch with me on Monday! I'll have yummy snacks too!
Contest for groups
Every time a group gets ten stickers on their chart, they will get to enjoy a group surprise!
I am so excited to see who will get ten stickers first! This must be a positive activity where you encourage each other. If it turns negative...your group will lose stickers!!!! AAAHHHH! Let's don't let that happen! Teamwork! Teamwork! Teamwork!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Welcome to 2008!
Scholastic News Book Club Information
Scholastic Book orders are due on Tuesday, January 22nd.
Poetry Pack Y
Boys Rock! S
The Chronicles of Narnia T
Don't Know Much About Pack U
The Wedding Planner's Daughter Pack S
Ulysses Moore Pack S
Where I'd Like To Be V
To Be A Slave Z
The Seventh Tower W
Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and ... T
Black Duck T